Notice: Punching bag base and top may ship at different times. Please be patient as both shipments will arrive in a timely manner, but in some cases one may arrive before the other. Made with high-density foam padding for maximum impact absorption, the Wavemaster 2XL Pro features the most padding of all the Wavemaster bags, plus a longer striking area for practicing kicks and punches. The tapered base allows for an unimpeded stance for athletes of all sizes. Bag and base lock in place, while the base can be filled with water or sand. Bag: 18" Diameter x 52" Tall Base: 28" DiameterBase Height: 14.25"Total Height 67" TallApprox. 270 lbs. when filled with water. One-year warranty on all Wavemaster training bags. Please see our "Terms and Conditions" page for additional information. USA/Imported. Oversized shipping rates apply.